Welcome to the Expedition!

A while ago I realised I'd collected a decent chunk of Beyond the Gates of Antares (GoA) models after having my eye caught by the Freeborn and Algoryn models and procuring a couple of starter sets on the cheap through mates and ebay.
I played through Kara'9 and had a couple of bigger games against one of the other local guys but then we both got busy with life and other systems (we're both avid wargamers with far more systems than we have time!) and they've since sat there gathering dust.
This blog is therefore here to document my attempts to get myself ship-shape and try and kick-start some local rejuvenation of GoA as we've got a few guys that own stuff but rarely play/have never played/want to play.
The busy period for my main system (Infinity) has ended now as I'm working the weekend of the last major regional event so i'm straight through to February with some time to burn on other systems.
Here we go!

My stash:
 I currently have three forces, only two of which I'm really looking to actively play:

I currently have a slightly expanded Ghar force from the main starter box which includes a few more suits, some flitters and a command crawler (putting it around the 1k mark). They seem ok, but in the big game i played, they walked through the opposing Concord like they weren't even there and from the research I've done, appear to be win big/lose big. I prefer a more rounded force so these guys are currently mothballed until further notice.

Thanks to both the main starter (inc special character) and the Kara'9 set, I've ended up with a pretty sizeable C3 force which i've expanded out to include some bikes, a Nuhu, an X-Howitzer and a Plasma support team and I've got a c3m4 close support drone on order. These guys are gonna be my 2nd force and will be painted in a simple quick 'n' dirty blue/light blue/white contrast scheme.

 Being one of the two forces that initially drew me to the game, digging through my initially small collection of Algoryn got the juices going again and got me to get off my arse and pick this system up again. I'd only really got an avenger to expand the Kara'9 to 500 points for playing some initial games with, but the aesthetic soon got me hooked again.
I've since expanded with a new plastic command squad, a mag LS team, a Medic team, an X-Launcher and my newest shiny; the liberator plasma variant. I've also got an Infiltrator squad on order to enable 1250pts games to be played when the time comes :-)

The aim:
1) Get some games in
2) Get people jazzed about this great game
3) Re-learn the rules and try not too look too much of a divvy
4) Make a dint in the (ever expanding) painting pile


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