The first game...

Intrusion detected!
Battlefield from my right flank

Battlefield from my enemy's DZ
 The recon drones normally did an excellent job but today they were surplus to requirements. The sky was ablaze with AG chute insertions, Commander Chak'sa observed the sky with a weary frown as he cycled the image overlay. C3 Drop troopers and gun drone suspensors were the suit's best guess.
"Saddle up boys, drop troopers inserting over that ridge, get the fast movers up there and get those guns in place, Give 'em hell!" he yelled into the comm channel, all squads reporting back in the affirmative.
"Snow" crunched underfoot, a musky ammonia-smell released from the icy powder covering the small moon's lower plateaus as the Liberator roared past, its suspensor field and batter field melting the top layer as it thrusted over the ridge. The ruins of an old building occupied the likely centre of what would be the coming battlefield, Algoryn forces advancing from the south to meet the C3's incursion from the north. Initial sat-locks suggested 3 squads with gun drone support.
Reinforcements arrived!

Avenger advances and carefully awaits enemy
 As the avenger shot overhead, the first of the Drop troopers crested the opposing ridge, vaulting effortlessly into cover with delicate bursts of retrothrust from their suits to counter the low G of this mining moon.
The X-launcher sailed a net shot well wide, not accounting for the lower G on the parrabellum and Chak'sa cursed at the missed opportunity as he painted a priority target on the tactical overlay, issuing the order immediately to the Avenger crew. A burst of thrust and a volley of fire tore into the opposing command squad, downing a member as they advanced into the ruins of the building in the centre ground. The right most squad also heading orders and sprinting fast to the building, the effort of the powder in the low-G wreaking havoc on them, falling exhausted at the perimiter.

Seeing the C3 organise and advance into the midfield, his left flank had already opened fire before the tacnet order was required. An AI squad, the Liberator and the mag light team all focussed their fire to repel the advancing drop troopers and held them at the edge of the treeline and shredded their number before the second AI squad charged heroically into the fray, rifle whipping the last into submission before taking up defensive postions in the woodland.
View from right flank across my DZ on T1

Enemy initial DZ, 3 C3 Drop squads inc command
 Fire from the C3's central team was destined to avenge their right most team, but their armour held up under concerted fire.

"This is going too well, where are thos..."
Before he could scan the recon feed in his overlay a trio of drones advanced over the crest to his right, the Avenger's retaliatory fire thumping harmlessly into the batter field and dissipating before being silenced by a brutal volley of plasma fire. The heat of the explosion seared the snow covered surface and an acrid stench filled Chak'sa's nostrils momentarily before his suit's purifiers kicked in. Seeing his infantry pinned, exhausted to the perimiter wall and the enemy reinforcing his right flank he ordered fire support to hammer the new gun-drone threat. Chak'sa couldn't even hit the subvocal channel as the firefight raged, he found himself in the crossfire as the drones ruthlessly targetted the Algoryn command. Several volleys of plasma fire tested the AI reflex armour and the medical drone attended the wounds and Chak'sa was barely aware of the force he commanded's response.

Withering firepower shreds his right-most drop squad!

Reinforcements arrive for the C3, x3 gundrones with batter drone
The x-launcher team responded with a perfectly aimed scramble round, the drone's batter field promptly died before the liberator thumped a heavy plasma round and a burst of lighter plasma fire into the C3D1s, shattering a weapon and forcing the AI to go to ground as the plasma coils dumped super-heated gasses around them. The focus on the drones had saved Chak'sa, but commited the exhausted AI squad to their doom. The more agile drop troopers hurtled through the sky in a low bounding leap and gutted them in CQC, X-slings thumping into reflex and shattering the squad, turning the snow into a slush bath of corpses and blood before retreating into the safety of the shack. Chak'sa cursed, the right flank now all but lost. Gaining composure, losses had been light on the left flank, all teams had secured their positions and were concentrating fire on the central drop squad behind their ridge, thinning their ranks and keeping them locked in place.

Drones hammer my right flank, pinning command and killing AI
 Spitting a mouthful of grit and snow out, he hauled himself to his feet, only to dive to the deck once again as the enemy commander hurtled around the corner of the shack, loosing a volley of plasma fire at him with a cold stare. Chak'sa screamed as the plasma bolt seared his right foot and writhed in agony, frustrating the medi-drone as it tended his fresh wounds. Two of his hand picked team had fallen but the fire was beginning to overwhelm him and he found himself outnumbered and outgunned under heavy fire.
Long range firefight keeping the C3's head down

Liberator opens up, one salvo kills two drones, breaking the C3
The X-launcher sailed a net shot into the ruins, alleviating the fire from the central squad as the suppressing field fucked their aim but the repreive was only temporary, Chak'sa hauled himself to his feet as his cold C3 equivalent charged, levelling another haze of plasma into his squad. "ON YOUR FEET BOYS, HAVE AT THEM!!!" he yelled, plasma searing into the reflex, dissipating harmlessly before the melee fell about his squad; blades, rifle butts and X-slings whirling in a deadly dance.
Chak'sa sprung to action, surviving a hail of blows that would have killed a lesser man before grasping the opposing commander and executing him with an X-sling cannister through his neck at point blank. The surviving squad member bolted, only to be cut down by Algoryn plasma fire from Chak'sa's squad mates.
Bolting back towards his own lines, he retreated beyond the batter field of the advancing Liberator as it loosed another fury of plasma into the drones and let out a blood curdling battle cry as the ionised wreckage rained down over the battlefield like confetti.
"Tactical have picked up the C3 retreat call boys, lets kick these fuckers back to where they came from, HUZZAH!!!"

An enjoyable evening against one of the local player's C3 was had, both of us rusty with rules as neither of us had played in quite some time.
He ran (from memory) x3 drop squads above minimum size with one at full size. x1 drop command and x3 gun drones in separate squads, x1 with a batter drone.
We both lost squads early on, but his smaller force meant he had a lower breaking point and victory was sealed when the liberator declared a fire order in turn 4, split fire and took out two drones in one volley with some good dice.
Thoroughly enjoyable game overall and I'm looking forward to getting some more games in!


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