First game incoming

So after some frantic messaging around I've managed to get a game organised at the 1k level against one of the guys at the Yorkshire Renegades. He plays Concord and Isorians and has a fully painted Concord force which is what I'm expecting him to lay down tomorrow night.
He also has the job of selecting the mission too!

With that, I'm going to try and get another AI squad and maybe a weapon team painted up today and get my list down. After having a bit of a play around, I realised 1k is pretty difficult with my Algoryn as I don't actually have that much stuff without including the plasma destroyer. Once my infiltration squad arrives I can hit 1k more easily without resorting to "padding" but for today, we're taking the big guy!
So, onto the list:

Tactical: 500 spent
1) AI command squad 104
   +2 troops 40                 164                 
   +Medi drone 20
2) AI Squad 94                  107
   +sarge repeater 3
   +repeater 0
   +grenades 10
3) AI Squad 94                  107
   +sarge mag gun 3
   +Micro X 0
   +Spotter 10
4) AI Squad 94                  122
   +sarge mag gun 3
   +Micro X 0
   +Slingnet 15
   +Spotter 10

Support: 229 spent
1) Avenger Attack Skimmer       128
2) Mag Light support team        38
3) X-Launcher team 38            63
   +Spotter 10
   +All ammo 15

Strategic: 269 spent
1) X06 Plasma Destroyer 234     269
   +Plasma Cannon 5
   +Batter 20
   +Spotter 10

Total 998 spent

For the tactical section my hands are tied really, its just what I own. Without padding tons of options like ammo types/spotters etc, this is basically the core of the force. I'm reasonably happy with it to be fair, the net squad are more for sitting back near a "home" objective or good vantage point and the repeater squad are, as you can imagine, for pushing upfield a bit more and aren't too scared of getting stuck in. If there are gun drones (there will be gun drones!) then the grenades will come in handy for digging them out with a sprint order.

I skipped support and came back to it, knowing I needed to spend a good chunk on my strategic slot so most of it is runnning naked except the X-Launcher team. I'd have liked to have spent more on the Avenger but there just wasn't the points so today, it is a mobile MLS platform which i guess at MOD2 isn't a bad thing but I would have liked a mag cannon and a spotter for popping drones more reliably.
I'm still not massively sold on OH fire yet, it seems quite punitive unless there are a dense mob of enemy to scatter onto, but we'll give it a go and a variety of ammo types will give me options at the very least.

As for the Tank, its going to draw lots of fire so it made sense to invest in some extra durability for it, the batter was non-negotiable and the plasma cannon is a reliable source of anti-drone and anti-weapon team punch so that will be its primary targets early game. The spotter was necessary to overcome the one-dice problem the plasma cannon has too :-)

The plan is to take my proper camera and write it up as a batrep so check back later in the week


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