Double game day and the start of the Chrysies shard campaign

So today we managed to get a couple of games in down at the local store, both was against Ian, who I played last time. He used Concord for both games and I ran out my Ghar for the first one (Unexpected Encounter, mission 3, BRB) and my Algoryn for the second game.
We were originally planning one playing one game at 1k points and starting the Chrysies shard campaign another day, but the 1st game vs the Ghar went so badly (seriously, could not believe how many 10's he rolled!!) that we had more than enough time to rack up and run a 750pts game of "Enemy Identified" (Mission 01, Chryseis shard) afterwards!

An Unexpected Encounter:
Commander Thurg relaxed back into the soft seat of the command crawler as the HUD glowed a warm orange around him. The Human filth had broken orbit and had begun to form beacheads. He'd been tasked by high command to find out their objectives and destroy them where possible.
He led a small grouping of Battlesuits, two units equipped for ranged combat and one unit equipped for close combat and had managed to requisition a flitter group to survey the ruins that appeared to have the Human Filth in thralls.
Having scouted the ruins, little of value to the Ghar could be noted, nothing of military value and no defensible structures. What it was worth to the humans was beyond his reckoning and with the survey complete, he ordered the scouting patrol back to base.
The HUD turned an ominous red as the long range scanners picked up non-Ghar signatures; an opposing scout detachment of one of the Human Filth!!
Thurg alerted the suits and ordered them to advance ahead, no way was Thurg going to risk himself first! The suits took cover at the base of a ruined structure whilst the Filth took up opposing positions
Ian deploys on the left, I deploy to the right

 The boys in green show themselves first, a swift movement registered on the suit's sensors as a bike squad whooshed over the ruins and landed gacefully before deplying a plasma cannon and compacting their bikes and a C3D1 Gun drone squad took up firing positions in the ruins of the central industrial building.
Lumbering up from behind, Thurg arrives to support his troops, moving to the right flank out of sight of the enemy. The suits see that the High Commander himself is now watching their performance, terrified of failure, they advance out of the ruin and open fire with a devastating barrage of concentrated fire into the C3D1's, rending them apart with their scourer cannons.
My deployment

Thurg shook his fist in rage as a well armoured transport glided between the ruins and lit up the battle squad, attempting to avenge the loss of the C3D1's, though their armour held against the roiling plasma fire of its turret. Unleashing hell on the laws of physics meant that the assault squad found themselves battling against a distortion in time, everything appearing to move in slow motion around them as their pilots helplessly attempted to reboot their systems and join the battle.
Seeing the threat of a well placed heavy gun, Thurg brought his guns to bear and directed the far squad to follow his lead. Their combined efforts hit nothing but building, scattering rubble in a fine mist but forcing the C3 gunners to keep their heads down in the process.
Making good the Ghar position, Thurg barked an order at the leftmost suit squad, their amps glowing hot. Advancing and laying down a hail of fire, they scored a pair of direct hits on the T7, blowing it up in a spectacular fireball. 
The orange glow subsided on Thurgs cackling face as the C3 squad's survivors fell about in disarray, putting out fires on their suits as their hyperlight armour spat angrily at the incoming shards of falling debris.
With a final push, the Ghar commander oversaw the evaporation of the plasma cannon team and a mad dash for base, a small team of survivors from the T7's fireball sneaking through their lines to reach their own base before the last C3 squad were utterly immolated as they retreated base-ward.
Sneaky command team sprinted twice to get off the board after the fireball
It was a crushing victory for the ghar, almost total casualties for the C3 with only one c3 squad making it off the board for VP. I've not seen dice rolls that bad in any game system for a long time!

Part two coming soon for the beginning of the Chryseis shard campaign......


  1. I have seen dice rolls that bad many times... they tend to be mine...


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